At the Mississauga Marathon

Today I went with my sister to watch the Mississauga Marathon where my brother-in-law Rob was running. I’ve done my share of races (6 halves, a 30km, and a full marathon) but have sort of eased up in recent years, mostly to save my knees so I can walk normally when I’m 50. Being at an actual race, however, still makes me want to get out there and run.

I brought my camera with me to get Rob as he finished the race. It’s fun to watch people running their tails off at the end; you can really get a feel for what their body is going through as they inch closer and closer. The red-numbered timer was always something that made me push harder at the end, especially if I was doing better than expected. That, and wanting to pass as many people as I could in the final stretch. At that point, you forget about the pain and just go.

Another bonus of getting to the finish line faster: the free chocolate milk.

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